About Us
Treasured Hour Bookshop's Mission:
Our bookshop is excited to help families build connections through treasured hours of reading aloud, and to build home libraries with wonderful secondhand books!
We eagerly search out previously owned books of high literary quality to provide choices and new additions great for any families looking to expand their home library!
Please contact us at treasuredhourbookshop@gmail.com for any questions!
Hi there! My name is Leilani. Treasured Hour Bookshop was started in January 2021 out of a passion for books and gratitude for what reading together as a family has done for our relationships. As I began the work of building our home library, I wanted to help other families to do the same!
I am a grateful follower of Jesus, who truly made me a new creation. (2 Corinthians 5:17). I have an awesome husband, who is the smartest guy I know (one of those self-educated, always reading a book types.) Our five children are hilarious and thought-provoking. I'm so thankful to be able to live out our homeschool life together (which consists of a whole lot of read-alouds.) I love books, coffee, and secondhand shopping (for more books!)
I'm not a particularly playful mom (Dad is the fun parent around here!), and I have often struggled to find ways to put down my "to do" lists and connect with my kids. With the help of friends, mentors, and books, our family discovered the beauty of reading aloud together. With each book, I get to know my children in new ways, and we experience the beauty of learning and living together.
Take a look around the shop for your family's next home library addition, and be sure to follow us on Instagram @treasuredhourbookshop for reading encouragement, resources, community and giveaways!